Saturday, February 11, 2017

87 Thoughts That Run Though My Mind While Doing Yoga

I have not practiced yoga in more than a year and I've finally had the courage and time to do it. Since I got married, I have been making excuses and have not done anything to keep my body fit.

Last Tuesday The Husband had a basketball game and I've finally decided to start doing yoga again by enrolling at Yoga+express Legazpi.

In just 60 minutes, eighty-seven thoughts ran through my head. If at anytime in your life you've done yoga, read through the list and please tell me I'm normal.

  1. Should I go in or am I too early?
  2. OMG there are so many people, where do I put my mat?
  3. Did I pull my mat to close to that girl?
  4. Do my feet smell bad?
  5. Don’t fart.
  6. What do I eat after this?
  7. Did I drink enough water before working out?
  8. Do I have to pee?
  9. Don’t faint. Don’t pass out.
  10. Concentrate.
  11. What are the others doing?
  12. Am I doing this right?
  13. Am I doing the same thing as the others are doing?
  14. Ouch.
  15. Ow. Damn!
  16. Oh, Jesus.
  17. Breathe. Breathe.
  18. Don’t hold your breath.
  19. Don’t throw up. Don’t throw up. 
  20. How many minutes do I have left in this bloody class?!
  21. Why am I doing this to myself?!
  22. Focus on my practice. Don’t think about anything else.
  23. Have a set that email that I was meaning to?
  24. I should buy more sports bra.
  25. Oh this girl’s yoga pants are cute. I’ve got to get me one of those?
  26. I wonder where she got those?
  27. Focus! Breathe!
  28. Downward facing dog… Oh yeah I can do this!
  29. Wait, am I getting lightheaded?
  30. Oh no my body is starting to shake.
  31. How much longer do I have to keep this pose?
  32. Should I have brought my phone inside?
  33. Did I turn off my data?
  34. Oh right. Focus.
  35. Do they call doing yoga working out? Or practicing?
  36. The teacher said “bend down and let the top of your head touch the mat”. In what universe is that ever going to happen to me?!
  37. That guy could reach his toes?! What the hell?!
  38. Show off!
  39. Touch my what?!
  40. Breathe. Breathe.
  41. Is my butt crack showing?
  42. Ugh. My tummy is in the way.
  43. God, please don’t make me fall over.
  44. Is that girl wearing makeup?
  45. Why am I sweating so much?!
  46. Does the room have to be this hot?
  47. Am I inhaling people’s breaths?
  48. My back hurts. 
  49. My shoulders hurt.
  50. My thighs hurt.
  51. My legs hurt.
  52. My feet hurt.
  53. My hamstrings hurt.
  54. Everything hurts.
  55. Why am I doing this again?!
  56. Why is she so flexible?! I can’t even touch my damn toes!
  57. Can I just go back to the child’s pose?
  58. Even the mountain pose is painful.
  59. I am soo out of shape.
  60. This is hopeless.
  61. I can't do it!
  62. I'm dying. Tell my Mama I love her!
  63. Is it normal to feel pain there?
  64. Hold this pose. Hold this pose! I can do this!
  65. Is my foot supposed to be digging too deep into my thigh? It hurts.
  66. I should make my standing leg stronger.
  67. Does my tummy look big in this pose?
  68. Twist and look at my elbow? How?
  69. Can’t even do a plank. Pathetic.
  70. Finally. The Shavasana.
  71. Shavasana is definitely my favorite yoga pose. I could do this all day.
  72. Uh oh the teacher turned the lights off.
  73. Don’t fall asleep. 
  74. I feel lightheaded.
  75. Don’t thrown up.
  76. Don’t die.
  77. Breathe.
  78. Close your mouth. Breathe through the nose.
  79. It’s over?
  80. Oh my God, I survived!
  81. I lived through a yoga class!
  82. I’m a badass.
  83. Look at me making healthy choices!
  84. I feel great!
  85. Nothing hurts anymore!
  86. I should do this more often!
  87. I can’t wait for my next class.

Tell me I'm normal(ish)! Do you think these too?


Hit me up!

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