Friday, July 18, 2014

Dark and bright side of July

Okay, this is one fucked up month.

Let me list the reasons why:

  1. Our wedding budget is getting nowhere. We have ten months left until the wedding and our finances are pitiful. On the plus side, I am still engaged to the most wonderful man in the world, and we are getting married no matter what, even if it takes us walking down the aisle and celebrating in Jollibee.
  2. Typhoon Glenda ravaged our town in Batangas, the roof of the garage crashed on our car and was lofted by the wind onto the road. On the brighter side, our main house is intact, and our car only suffered a tiny dent and still works in amazing condition, considering it is more than a decade old.
  3. A giant tree branch fell on our pig pen, crushing the roof and our two dogs. On the plus side, my family, including our dogs, is safe, complete, and healthy.
  4. The rain seeped into our rooms and all of my clothes including my laptop had been drenched. On the brighter side, the laptop has been dried off and is working.
  5. My laptop is indeed working but it has become slow and only works when it is plugged in, and refuses to charge. On the plus side, my laptop still works and I still have access to my files, videos, pictures, and wedding stuff.
  6. The promotion that I have been working on for the past two years have been given to someone else outside my team, without me being given the opportunity to at least apply. On the plus side, I still have a job, I have the best teammates in the world, and I'm still doing what I love to do.
  7. I'm sick and have been suffering from acute asthma attack. On the plus side, it's a Friday and tomorrow's a weekend. I get to spend time with my lablab!


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