Friday, May 16, 2014

"You looked better when you were thinner."

I'm getting sick of all these people telling me to lose weight because I looked better/prettier/sexier when skinny. 

When I lose weight it is because I want to be healthier, not sexier or prettier.

What's with today's society and its issues about weight? "People should not gain weight because they will look less pretty..." Well fuck that! (sorry, kids!)

Yeah, I know I packed on a few pounds. Big woop, right?

I do know that I've gained weight, and I probably looked better when I was skinny. But I am still me. I'm still a daughter, a nurse, a sister, a fiancée, a trainer, and a friend; and I can still whoop your ass in the training room and I can still shoot your dumb head off with a .45 caliber.

People who used to be skinny and have gained weight are just that - they have gained weight. They are still as beautiful, smart, and awesome as they were.

Some people have got to stop going around and telling other people to lose weight because they looked better when they were skinny. -

Kelvin Tan



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