Tuesday, May 7, 2013

What I want to do NOW...

When the month of May rolled in, I promised myself that every night before bed, I will watch a film which I have never seen before.

Last night’s featured movie was A Little Bit of Heaven; a movie about a woman named Marley Corbett (played by Kate Hudson), who was diagnosed with terminal colon cancer. The news was broken to her by a serious Dr. Julian Goldstein (played by Gael Garcia Bernal), who eventually fell in love with her humor and resolve. In the midst of pain and suffering, Marley found a way to embrace love, reconcile with her parents, and leave her good friends with fond memories.

Granted, the movie wasn’t a tear-jerker, it wasn’t that impressive, even.

But the movie made me realize ONE thing: The best time to let people know you care is NOW.

So this week, I want to…

·         Give Mama and Daddy a kiss and thank them for their love. They are the best gifts a child can ever receive
·         Tell Kuya that even though we don’t see eye to eye most times, I love him and that I only want the best for him
·         Tell Ate that I admire her strength and that I thank her for being her; and that she is the best sister in the world
·         Tell Prince that I love him and that I wish for him to grow up t be a good, honest and smart man
·         Tell Kelvin that I love him with all my heart and that God couldn’t have given me anyone better
·         Tell Sesha that I admire her faith, resilience and strength
·         Tell Razel that I love her and I pray for Reese’s future; and that I will always be here for her
·         Tell Isha that I wish her peace of mind and the love that she deserves
·         Tell DeeJay that I wish life had treated him better and that he will always be in my thoughts
·         Tell Lola Mila that I love her and that I thank her for all the times she worried about me. I guess that what Lola’s are for. J
·         Tell my Titas and Titos that I will always be grateful for their listening ears and ready advice
·         Tell my cousins that I am honored to be called their cousin. They helped me become what I am
·         Tell my brothers, sisters, and friends that they are the amazing icing on my life’s crazy, crazy cake, and that every single moment I have spent with them is a precious moment that I will forever cherish.
·         Tell those I have offended that I am sorry and that they can hit me in the head the next time they see me (gently, please)
·         Thank all the people that I have worked with; every moment spent with them was equal to a pound of learning
·         Thank all my trainees for the laughter, learning, and inspiration
·         Tell those who I have inspired to pay it forward
·         Tell God that I am the luckiest person in the world; and that I thank Him for everything He has done and given to me and for me.

What about you? What can you do NOW?

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