Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Leng's Bucket List

I have always wanted to create bucket list. After a few days of soul-searching, I have finally come up with my very own! Read through the list and let me know if you have done any these:


  1. Visit all the Museums in Manila
  2. Travel outside the Philippines
  3. Visit the Vatican
  4. Go to Thailand
  5. Go to HongKong
  6. Go to a Latin Country
  7. Ride a Gondola in Venice, Italy
  8. Visit the Louvre Museum
  9. Go to Baguio – done – in 2005 and 2012
  10. Go to Boracay – done in 2006
  11. Go to Puerto Galera – done in 2004
  12. Go to Palawan Visit Australia
  13. Go on an African Safari
  14. Go to Harry Potter World in Florida


photocredit: fcfighter.com

  1. Take a martial arts class
  2. Take dance lessons
  3. Learn how to surf
  4. Run a marathon
  5. Go scuba diving
  6. Learn to play chess –done in highschool, I’m not very good at it, though
  7. Paint a room
  8. Take a cooking class
  9. Go wakeboarding
  10. Own a bicycle and use it often
  11. Be a able to do 25 push-ups per day
  12. Be a able to do 25 sit-ups per day
  13. Fire a gun – when I was a sophomore, Daddy took me target-shooting in Muntinlupa J
  14. Learn Ballroom Dancing
  15. Write a book
  16. Paint
  17. Learn sign language
  18. Learn to play an instrument – Dad bought me a Yamaha keyboard when I was 14.
  19. Teach a Class – have been teaching since I was 13. J
  20. Drive a car – drove our family car home when I was 15 J
  21. Learn a foreign language
  22. Learn how to bake

 To Do’s:

 photocredit: www.glassdoor.com

  1. Build a modeling portfolio
  2. Write a book
  3. Do charity work – went to a house for children with learning and developmental disabilities when I was 18, with the rest of the members of the Ministry of Lectors and Commentators
  4. Plant a tree
  5. Reach the top of my profession
  6. Become a parent
  7. Go on a shopping spree – done in 2012 my good friend Joyce
  8. Decorate my house
  9. Watch all Star Wars movies
  10. Watch all Lord of the Rings movies
  11. Watch all Star Trek movies
  12. Host a dinner party – in 2009 for TA
  13. Finish a jigsaw puzzle – in highschool
  14. Write my Last Will and Testament
  15. Be more productive
  16. Revamp my wardrobe
  17. Own a DVD collection
  18. Take Personality Development Classes
  19. Send a message in a bottle
  20. Write to my 12-year old self
  21. Own a very expensive business suit
  22. Overcome my fear of failure
  23. Get rid of my credit card debt
  24. Buy a house – finally done in September 2012. J
  25. Buy a gun
  26. Solve a Rubik’s Cube
  27. Sing in front of a large audience – I started competing when I was 4 J
  28. Quit a job that I really hate – quit my job in IBM in 2011 J
  29. Get a masters degree
  30. Start my own business
  31. Create a bucket list – done! March 26, 2013 J
  32. Write for someone’s yearbook – wrote Kelvin’s article for his 2008 yearbook
  33. Not eat meat for a month – done in 2012 and 2013 for Lent
  34. Start a blog – started a blog in February 2012
  35. Write a poem – I started writing poems when I was 9
  36. Throw a surprise party for someone – threw a surprise party for Kelvin in 2011 J
  37. Write a love note on a mirror with a lipstick
  38. Detox my body with only fruit, vegetables and water for a week
  39. Dye hair red – done in December 2010 J
  40. Complete a photo album of my life
  41. Leave flowers on someone’s doorstep


  1. Vacation alone
  2. Watch Beyonce in concert
  3. Sleep on the beach under the stars
  4. Become an extra in a movie
  5. Sleep in a hammock
  6. Milk a cow
  7. Ride an elephant
  8. Watch a movie at a drive in movie theatre
  9. Have my portrait painted
  10. Build my own library
  11. Get married
  12. Attend a Cirque du Soleil Show
  13. Watch Rex Navarete live
  14. Take the Superman ride (Zipline)
  15. Go on a cruise
  16. Get a make over
  17. Take a ride on the highest roller coaster n the Philippines
  18. Weigh 100lbs
  19. Become a motivational speaker
  20. Spend a night in a luxurious hotel
  21. n a plane
  22. Ride a Horse – rode a horse for the first time in 2012!
  23. Celebrate my birthday doing charity work
  24. Ride a Hot Air Balloon
  25. Be part of a Flash Mob
  26. Swim with Dolphins
  27. Speak in front of hundreds of people – done in November 2011 in De La Salle Lipa
  28. Ride a Cable Car
  29. Learn CPR – Freshman year in Far Eastern University – Basic Life Support Training
  30. Attend a Premiere Night
  31. Join a Santacruzan – became Reina de los Angeles in May 2007
  32. Get Married
  33. Watch an Opera
  34. Participate in a protest
  35. Fly First Class
  36. Do charity work – with The Ministry of Lectors and Commentators and in Malate Catholic School
  37. Sing karaoke solo in front of total strangers – done a lot of times!
  38. Act on stage – I started when I was 14, in Malate Catholic School
  39. Attend a concert – attended Parokya ni Edgar and Side A concerts
  40. Fall in love – with Kelvin!
  41. Find my soulmate – in Kelvin!
  42. Become a parent
  43. Sleep on the beach
  44. Stay a night at a five star hotel
  45. Throw a Themed Party
  46. Hold a tarantula
  47. Hold a snake
  48. Touch a big cat (lion, tiger, leopard, etc.)
  49. Ride in a Helicopter
  50. Paraglide
  51. Hanglide
  52. Eat an exotic food
  53. Visit a butterfly garden – visited the Butterfly Sanctuary in Baguio in September 2012
  54. Shower in a waterfall – in Mt. Banahaw in 2005
  55. Kiss under the mistletoe
  56. Capture lightening in a photograph
  57. Be a bridesmaid
  58. Be a Maid of Honour
  59. Go on a real Picnic – my parents took us to the park almost every weekend
  60. Play paintball
  61. Go to the movies alone
  62. Fly a kite – flew a kite with my brother when I was young
  63. Climb a light house
  64. Visit a Hot Spring – Pansol!
  65.  Live By Myself – have been living alone since 2006
  66. Take a month off from work – done in 2009 and 2011
  67. Ride on the back of a motorcycle – with Kuya Marte’s help!
  68. Get a bikini wax
  69. Dress in super sexy lingerie
  70. Go to a Wax Museum
  71. Go to a Comedy Club to see a stand-up show
  72. See male strippers – well, just one stripper, on Joyce’s Bridal Shower
  73. Have my caricature done
  74. Get a Henna Tattoo – done by my good friend Ciego in 2010
  75. Jump out of a Cake
  76. Hang out with a chimpanzee
  77. Feed a Koala
  78. Ride on the back of an Elephant
  79. Take a Mud Bath
  80. Try acupuncture
  81. Have a Hot Stone Massage
  82. Feel mind-blowingly radiant, beautiful, and sexy for an entire day – done a number of times!
  83. Get a full body massage - – done a number of times!
  84. Learn how to surf/take surfing lessons
  85. Rock a bikini photo shoot
  86. Sign up to become an Organ Donor
  87. Make breakfast in bed for someone I love
  88. Donate blood
  89. Pay for the drive-thru order of the person in the car behind me
  90. Volunteer at an animal sanctuary or Zoo
  91. Donate toys during the holidays

With my ever-changing mind, I will probably adding a few more things to this list.

How about you? What is on your list?

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