Friday, March 18, 2016

Top Six reasons why I love being married

So The Husband and I are two months shy of celebrating our first wedding anniversary, and a number of our friends have asked how married life is and how The Husband and I are adjusting to it. If anything, I’m sure The Husband is enjoying my cooking.

As for me, I’m having the time of my life. I never knew marriage could be so fun and so magical. Had I known I would have asked Kelvin to marry me a long time ago! JK!

Now don’t get me wrong. Marriage isn’t all cupcakes and rainbows. Nah uh! Marriage is hella difficult. But The Husband and I had been dating for almost nine years before we got married so we pretty much knew a lot of things about each other before tying the knot. So when we moved in together as The Husband and The Wife, there wasn’t that much adjusting necessary.

But apart from the few good and not-so-good surprises, our 10-month old marriage has definitely led me to some amazing realizations.

Now I’m not going to list stuff like “Having someone who will love you unconditionally” or some similar crap, because you can have that even when you’re not married. I’m talking about some special privileges I have been entitled to right after I signed our marriage certificate and started living with The Husband.


  • NUMBER SIX: Not worrying about where to go or hang out on Friday night. As most of my friends know, I’m a hard core extrovert and I love going out with friends, whether I’d be nursing a hot cup of coffee, or a cold bottle of alcohol while chatting and teasing my phenomenal loves. Before getting married, I would always think or plan where I would go, and who I’d hang out with every Friday night. But now that I’m married, I love and look forward to Friday nights because a Friday night means cuddle night in front of the TV, or our friends could come over and hang out at our house!

  • NUMBER FIVE: Not being forced to participate in the bouquet toss games for singles ladies at weddings. Ever since the first time I have been pressured into joining that darned game, I’ve dreaded going to weddings. The idea of falling in line and waiting to be “selected” to be the lady who gets felt up before the night is over freaks the hell out of me. But now that I’m married, I am permanently out of the game. Bring out the champagne, folks!

  • NUMBER FOUR: Not hearing “When are you getting married?” at social events. I swear my ears were all about to fall off from all of my relatives and friends asking THAT question every time I saw them at a party or an event. Seriously, people, how is a woman supposed to answer that question – especially when she is not engaged, or her boyfriend has not popped the million dollar question yet, or not even in a relationship?! You people need to chill. And there should be a law against asking single people that question.

  • NUMBER THREE: Not having to hold, hide, or disguise a fart. Okay, I’m going to be real right here, and probably betray some lady friends. Yes, folks, women fart. We just don’t talk about it, pretend we don’t do it, and we make sure that our farts are released far away from civilization where it can never be heard, or smelled.  For almost nine years, I have managed to not pass wind within at least ten feet of Kelvin – and no, I’m not lying, Kelvin can attest to this. But now that we live, eat, and breathe together under one roof, it seems ridiculous to leave the room for a few seconds just to release gas from one’s bowels. Plus, The Husband does it all the time anyway! I’ve also discovered how amusing a simple odorous gas can emit hilarious reactions from each other. So, bombs away!

  • NUMBER TWO: Sex. Now I’m not even going to explain this. Let your imagination run wild, my friend.

  • NUMBER ONE: Having someone to cuddle with at night and someone to wake up next to the next morning. Before getting married, I lived alone for almost nine years. I was used to sleeping alone right in the middle of the bed, and waking up to the sound of my blaring alarm. Now that The Husband and I sleep in one bed, his big, warm body next to me is just one of the most amazing feelings in the world. I love it when he traps my whole body close to his using his massive arms and legs. I get cold easily (even in the summer!) and having him next to me is like having my own warm electric blanket. And at night, when we’re not too sleepy, we stay up late just talking about us, our plans, jobs, families, and friends. We’d talk into the wee hours of the night until we eventually fall asleep. And in the morning, I swear, climbing Mt. Everest has got to be easier than leaving the warmth and smell of the bed and The Husband. It is so damn difficult I set at least seven alarms every night before bed! The Husband is a light sleeper and when he feels me get out of bed, he reaches out (without opening his eyes) and yanks me back onto the bed pulling me to his chest. Now tell me. How on this God’s green earth am I supposed to leave the bed?!

Now I’m gonna say it again: Had I known marriage would be this incredible I would have asked Kelvin to marry me a long time ago! Haha!

How about you? What do you love about being married?


Hit me up!

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