Saturday, April 13, 2013

Lists and Time

Do you sometimes feel like life is dumping a whole load of things on  your plate; and that there are a whole bunch of stuff that need your attention? 

 Things like work, school, meetings, reviews, bills, reports, tests, dates, deadlines, family events, night out with friends, vacations, dates, pets, and a lot more!

Do you ask yourself, "Which do I do first? There are just too many things and soooo little time!"


Well, I do. At times I even feel like I'm drowning. I find myself looking down on my To-Do list and see that there are just too many things on there; there are just too many things that need my attention. And for one second, I felt like slumping on the ground and letting out a full blown tantrum.


But, I am a grown woman. I make things happen. 

Allow me to share with you an inspirational article. Read on and be inspired!

I have decided to stop wasting time complaining about the things that I have to do.

I have decided to "save" time by not worrying.

My clock is running. I will make most of my day and spend my time wisely by doing things that matters. I will stop worrying and complaining.

Every minute spent on worrying is a minute wasted.

Stop worrying and start enjoying!

Presenting my new To-Do List!

 What is on your To Do List?

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