Monday, April 15, 2013

An Old Post.

I miss you. I remember the first day I first met you. You scared the hell out of me. I thought you wouldn't approve of me. I thought you wouldn't think I would be good enough for the man you've always treated as your brother. But I was wrong. The first time i met you, you treated me like a friend, like a sister. For that i will be forever grateful. you became a brother to me- someone i could call on whenever Kelvin and I had a problem. you were always there whenever Kelvin needed a brother to share his problems with. you accompanied Kelvin whenever he picks me up. You were there when you surprised me on my birthday. You smeared cake on my face. You laughed at my jokes. You were there to sympathize with your brothers and sisters.

I remember the days when a brother or a sister would celebrate a birthday. You guys would plan for days just to make that certain birthday special.

I remember the spontaneous trips to Tagaytay, to coffee shops, or to a brother's house. I remember how loud everyone laughs.

I remember the days you and Kelvin would sweat it out in Don Bosco sparring against each other. Or trying to trick Sir Noli into thinking that you were doing your sit-ups right.

I remember a party at your house.. you got so drunk you were screaming at the top of your lungs, "TA! What is your emotiooonnn?!?!?!" 

I remember the night when you saw me sleepwalking out of the house.. if you hadn't seen me i would have been found sleeping next to pineapples the next morning.

I remember the days when we'd hang around your house.. You'd come down wearing your boxers without a care in the world.. not even caring that there was a great big hole in them.

I remember the days when Kelvin and I would go to your house just to play with instruments, and chat at Starbucks... And see you in Waltermart with a girl in tow.

I remember the day you and Kelvin went to my house to drink.. you got me so drunk i was crying for you not to stare at my feet.

I remember the day you threw up along the South Luzon Expressway.

I remember how quiet you were... We never really got to talk seriously but you were always a strong but silent force.

I remember the day you broke a bottle because you were so scared of a frog.

I remember celebrating your birthday in Club Je... You were so drunk you were just lying on the couch not caring that everyone was recording how drunk you were.

But do you know what I remember the most? The love.. The way you drop whatever it is that you are doing just to be with a brother or a sister... The way you just stand there, letting your brother or sister know that you're there.. The way anyone can call you anytime and never doubt that you'll answer.

I even miss the days I had to drag Kelvin out of Arena.. LOL

I miss you. I miss all of you.

June 8, 2010.

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