Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Legazpi Escapade Day 2

Hello, dear readers!

As promised, here is Day 2 of our Legazpi Adventure!

I fell deeper in love with the place the next morning I woke up. Guess what greeted me to an amazing morning!

The volcano says "hello!" at 6 in the morning!

Good morning!

We came down to have breakfast at Jasmine, the hotel's in house restaurant. 

Boy, were we in for a treat! The Oriental Legazpi's breakfast buffet was too fabulous for words. Dear readers, feast your eyes on the breakfast feast that The Oriental Legazpi offers!

Yep, that's my plate. :)

The cake display

Beverage station

The fruit station


Adobo and bacon


Gotcha, hon!

After our hearty breakfast, we were off to Cagsaua ruins! 

I was in awe when we finally reached the place. I remember when I was in grade school browsing through the photos of this majestic place. Who would have thought I would be standing in the same place having my own pictures taken? The best part of it was, Kelvin and our awesome friends Jo, Em, Joma, and Joyce were there to share the moment. 

Here are some snaps of our Cagsaua Ruins experience:

Enough of the pictures from the ruins; now on to the real adventure: ATV!!!

It was my first time to try such an activity; I was terrified before we started but , boy, did I have a blast! This was surely one of the Top 2 highlights of this vacation.

Here are some snaps of the adventure:

Whew! What a rush that was. 

But the adventure wasn't done. We stopped by Lignon Hill before lunch and we bought a few odds and ends. I ended up buying two bags (one for me and my mom).

The boys showing us girls how we post for pictures.

Exhausted and sweaty from our adventure, we treated ourselves to a sumptuous lunch at Mr. Crab.

Lookie, shrimps!

Oh, sunburn!

When we got back to the hotel, we decided to rest for a bit and then meet again in an hour for dip in the pool.

And another round of fun it was!

You'll notice that there are no pictures of Kelvin and me together; that's because when these pictures were taken, we just had a terrible fight and I wasn't talking to him. I had one of my crazy moments where I snapped and broke up with him. But we fixed all things up after all our friends had left us alone in the pool.

Enough about our LQ, let's move on to the photos, shall we?

Hello, ladies!


Joma and Joyce

And just when you thought we were exhausted for the day, we went out of the hotel again! But just for dinner, of course. We went to Embarcadero, one of the hottest places for families to tour and visit in Legazpi. We couldn't find other places to eat that looked good so we had dinner at Mr. Bigg's.

The contrite Kelvin :)

We went back to the hotel after our delightful dinner to rest our bodies in preparation for Day 3's Adventure.

What's in store for Legazpi Day 3, you say? Look out for my next blog! 

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