Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Mama: Our event stylist

If there is anyone in this world who is just as busy as I am when it comes to planning my wedding, it’s going to be my mom. She has her own planner, her own checklist, and own schedule for all of the things that need to be done for the wedding. It is unbelievable how supportive and organized she is when it comes to the wedding preparations. It’s like I have my own personal 24/7 wedding planner! I love it!

Because I am based in Manila and the wedding is in Batangas, Mama is my go-to girl for all the wedding stuff that need to be taken care of. She booked the church, submitted our (Kelvin’s and mine) documents, bought stuff like the candles and the bible, and even brought some of my bridesmaids to the seamstress. Two months ago she and Daddy took Kelvin and me, and the rest of our entourage  to Taal, Batangas where we bought their Barong Tagalog. Just last week she had me go shopping for clothes and other things that I will need for the wedding, wedding night, and for the honeymoon.

Apart from her planning duties, Mama is also my self-appointed event stylist! Most people don’t know this but Mama is very very creative, fashionable, and stylish. She made the souvenirs for two of my aunts’ weddings and they were adorable. For my wedding, she didn’t make the souvenirs but she is designing the whole venue along with our caterer. For the past five months, she has been making the table pieces, standee letters, block letters, souvenir bags for the principal sponsors, picture standees, backdrop and other odds and ends for the venue. 

Here she is getting her designer mojo on:

And Daddy, bless his heart, has been strong-armed into the whole DIY thing too! Mama had him drive us around buying materials, painting bottles and other materials, making props, and such. 

Look at Daddy painting away!

And if that’s not enough, she even hired a carpenter to make small tables and a board! Talk about dedication and art! I am blown away with the efforts that Mama has been making for the wedding. I swear she is as excited as I am for the wedding, maybe even more.

But that’s not all, folks, even my cousins and aunts are in the DIY bandwagon! My wonderful, incredible cousins and aunts are also making the origami flowers for the event and weighing in on the design and the decors. Am I the luckiest bride or what?! My whole family and relatives are in on the whole wedding preparation shebang!

Here are some of the origami flowers that my cousins made!

When I asked Mama as to why she’s doing all these things for me, her answer was, “Because you’re my bunso; my love. Because you’ve been good to me, Daddy , and our family. You’ve served our family well; you’ve taken care of us; and this is what I can do to show you how much I appreciate you and everything you’ve done for our family.  Because you are my baby. Because you deserve it.”


Now I am soooo itching to show you what she, Daddy, and the ladies have been making but she made me swear not to show you guys.

BUT!  She didn’t say I can’t post teasers and sneak peaks, right?

Here are some of the raw materials that we bought. I will show you the finished product right after the wedding. For now, let your imagination run wild by thinking of how these things will look after the makeover:

Here are some other stuff:

Check out some behind the scenes and teasers. Don’t tell my Mama!

Good Morning store where we bought our ribbons.

Mama scouting for cages and lamps

Waiting for a cab home. We bought too many things!

Macho men!

Mama and I on our way to Divisoria

17 days to go!


Hit me up!

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