Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Guess what is on our rings!

While deciding on what we what to be engraved on our wedding rings, Hon got this cheeky grin on his face. I had a feeling and knew what he was thinking.

So I held up my hand and said, ”Hon, you are not having “To infinity and beyond” engraved on your ring.”

He scoffed and retorded, “Of course not! I want: “In brightest day, in blackest night, No evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil's might, Beware my power, Green Lantern's light!!!””


A few days later, I came up with my suggestions:
  • "Kelvin ni Leng 05/30/2015” (Hon’s ring) and “Leng ni Kelvin 05/30/2015” (on mine)
  •  “I can’t keep my eyes off of you” – a line from our theme song

But then Honey made a terrific suggestion!

You see, almost nine years ago, when he was still courting me; he once drove me to work. As I was getting out of the car, I bid him goodbye and thanked him for the ride.

He answered me with, “You’re welcome. Buh-bye. I love you.”

Without thinking, I answered him with, “I lo –“

I abruptly ended what I was saying; I realized I almost said “I love you” back!

So I stopped, screamed, “Ingat ka!” and slammed the car door closed. Eek!

So back to the present time. Hon wanted those words engraved on our rings instead.

On my ring, “I love you.”
And on his ring, “I…(love you) ingat ka.” 

Loving the idea, Hon went and contacted our Jeweler, Greg Palpalatoc.
A few days ago we finally got our rings! I was beyond excited when Hon finally showed them to me. The rings were inside a lovely bright red velvet box.

Upon opening it, I was overwhelmed by the lovely sight of our rings, nestled in black velvet.

I took our rings out and took a look at the words engraved in the rings. On Hon’s ring was exactly what I was expecting.

Aww! Lovely! It’s so us!

Next up was my ring, I was excited to see “I love you” engraved on it. I looked at the ring for a few seconds. And then a few seconds more. And then a few seconds more.

I couldn’t read the characters on the ring! I looked at Hon and asked him, “What is on my ring? I told you I want “I love you” on it!”

Hon just smiled his classic cryptic smiled and answered, “It is “I love you”! That’s what you want, right?”

I shot back, “Yeah! But I can’t read it. I don’t understand it!”

And then it hit me.

“Wait a minute… Is this elvish?!”



Hit me up!

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