Monday, July 15, 2013

There's Something I Have to Tell You, Mama...

Hi, Mama.

I'd like to share something with you...

I thank God everyday.
I thank God every week.
I thank God every month.
And I thank God every year.

I thank God for your everyday text.
I thank God for your everyday greeting.
I thank God that you wait for me to get home everyday.

I thank God for your cooking.

I thank God for your hugs.
I thank God for your kisses.

I thank God that you cook my favorite food.
I thank God that you wash my clothes.

I thank God that you let me sleep late.
I thank God that you make me Milo.

I thank God for the sunny-side up eggs.
I thank God for your adobo.

I thank God that you still call me "Baby".
I thank God that He gave you to us.
I thank God that you are my mother.
I thank God that you are my best friend.

I thank God because you are my inspiration.

You taught me humility
You taught me love.
You taught me how to serve.
You taught me how to sacrifice.

You taught me how to be street-wise.
You taught me how to deal with people.
You taught me the value of patience.

You say I'm beautiful.
You say I'm smart.
You say I'm generous.
You say I'm loving.
You say I'm understanding.
You say I'm sweet.
You say I'm kind.
You say I'm funny.

Well guess what, Mama...

I am just a mirror...
Look at me and you are looking at you.
I am me because I am YOU.

You are beautiful.
You are  smart.
You are  generous.
You are  loving.
You are  understanding.
You are  sweet.
You are  kind.
You are  funny.

You are YOU.

Happy birthday, Mama.

I love you.

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