Tuesday, March 19, 2013

My Life. My Mission.

Last year, my family and I met an old man at a baptismal reception where I was made godmother to my cousin's cute daughter. The old chap just came home from the US after working there as an engineer for thirty years. He was a loud, friendly old man who did not hesitate to introduce himself to everyone. He was drinking and chatting with my dad, and exchanging stories about each other's families. I was surprised when he stood up and came to me.

“Why aren’t you working as a nurse?!” he asked.

Surprised, I answered him. “Uh, because I want to teach. I want to train, sir.”

And he said vehemently, “No. That is WRONG. Work as a nurse and go to the US. Trust me. Even if you get promoted as a manager, it is better if you go back to the nursing profession. You’re making a big mistake. ” Then he made a sign that meant money.

photocredit: www.forum.prisonplanet.com

As much as I respected him, I would have to disagree. Choosing to do what I love is not wrong. In fact, it is the best decision I have ever made. I am making good money just by doing what I love to do! Why do I need to go abroad to earn money when I can find a good job here that pays me well? I may not be earning millions but I get to see my loved ones as often as I want to. I get to talk to them in person, I get to see the smiles on their faces, I get to hug them, I get to kiss them, and I get to tell them I love them in person. I do not want to be in some country earning millions and see my loved ones over a computer screen. My sister used to work in Bahrain and I know how hard it is to love and miss an important person in one's life.

And to top it off, I love what I do! It’s more than just training; more than just standing there and telling people what to do (although I love doing that, too!). It’s about the look on my trainees’ faces when they learn from me; it’s the smiles and the appreciation. How wonderful it is to know that somehow, I made a difference in someone’s life. I may not have millions to my name but I a wealthy woman in my own special way.

photocredit: www.lostandtired.com

My mission in life is to inspire. I am able to do that in my training room. Where I get to see people develop, improve and challenge themselves. And the results are priceless. This is why I do what I do:

A gift from Reader's Digest Batch 36

Dinner with the English Skills Training Team - 2009

Trainer Certification Program (October 2011)

Christmas Pool Party with IBM Daksh Voice and Accent Trainers (November 2011)
with Claire Gustilo, Alex, and Tina Maputol

IBM Daksh Fad Friday - with trainees and support staff of Calculus

My first mentors and corporate stage mothers: Ms. Elaine Curativo and Ms. C. - ICT Marketing Services Inc. (Jan 2008 to Feb. 2010)

love letters from the awesome people of Origin Energy Collections Batch 1B (March 2012)

Red Box Night with Origin Energy Training Team (April 2012)
with  John Ring, Joni Jabonete, Paula Madayag, Blaithin, Lisa Guerrero, Kathy UyBryce, Iza Ilagan, and Dann Gardner

Cupcake Date with the Aegis Services Inc. Foundation Training Team (December 2012)

Voice and Accent Floor Support Trainers, Cat Macasaet, Ayel Tinga, and Ochi Bernandas - IBM Daksh (April 2011)

Effective Presentation Skills Seminar, Asia Pacific Collegewww.apc.edu.ph (October 2011)

with beloved reps who are now dear, dear friends - Abs Pandapatan and Jaja Gutilban- Calculus Kickoff Party (Feb 2011)

Aegis Year-End Party (December 2012)
with Ryan Buhia, Joy, Abby Mapala, CJ, and Roma

Web Conferencing with Foundation Trainers from Manila and Cebu!  (2012)
with Joyce Santiago, Toni Rose Gako, and Alli Cortes

IBM Friends' Summer Getaway (April 2011)
with Ernest Ocampo, Abs Pandapatan, and TJ Tomalon

Origin Energy Graduation Day (April 2012)
with Brian Madariaga, Tracy Agay, Jean and Adrian

Reader's Digest Batch 36

IBM Daksh Fad Friday - Newspaper Friday (2011)
with Kat Anselmo, Ciego, Aditya Mehrotra, Ernest Ocampo and Dave Belmonte


So if I were to live my life all over again? I will never, EVER, change a single thing.

I am a trainer. My mission is to inspire.

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