Monday, June 8, 2015

Our Wedding Day Part 2: My Thoughts during the Bridal March

It was then time for me to meet my groom at the altar. After much pulling and tugging of my wedding gown, my dad, mom, and I were finally inside the bridal car, driven by a good family friend, and long time family driver, Kuya Val.

The reception and preparation venue, Valentino Resort and Spa, was not very far from the church. However, the road to the church was being repaired so the traffic was badly affected. This was also one of the reasons why the coordinators and photographers were late. Fortunately, when it was our turn to traverse the road to the church, the road miraculously cleared up! I guess God really wanted Kelvin and I to tie the knot!

Here are some pictures taken by Ate Ye on our way to the church.

When we finally got to the church, I was pleasantly surprised to see a lot of people! I saw a number of our relatives and friends from different parts of the country and of the world. I had to keep myself from jumping out of the car to greet, hug, and thank them for being there. 

Kuya Val then parked the car right by the driveway at the church door. My parents and sister got out of the car but my bridal manager asked me to stay inside the car and only come out when it was my turn to walk down the aisle.

As I was sitting inside the car, I was looking at the line of the entourage, trying to catch a glimpse of my groom. I finally saw him standing between his parents, behind his best men. I wanted to call out to him and run to him but at that moment, looking at him would have to suffice. I only had to wait a few more moments until I get to join him at the altar.

There he is!

But, boy, was it the longest minutes of my life! I saw the entourage lining up, preparing to walk down the aisle and I was just in the car, sitting there and waiting for things to happen. I was just a big bundle of excited energy; I was excited to see everyone, get married and celebrate! At that moment I was growing more and more impatient. A part of me was getting frustrated with all the shebang that I had to go through just to get married. First the make up, then the photos, and now this waiting! Thankfully, my photographer Brian kept me busy posing and smiling for photos.

Let's get married!

After a few minutes, everyone had gotten inside, the church doors have been closed shut, and I finally was allowed to step outside of the car. My manager asked me to stand right outside the church doors, with my head down. At that moment, I was alone (apart from the photographer and videographer capturing that moment). I had a few moments to myself and I took the chance to just breathe and feel that moment.

And then I heard my manager say, “Keep your head down, when the doors open, look up, and then walk.”

I did say I was excited, right? Up until that moment I wasn’t nervous. I was just happy that I am about to finally call Kelvin my husband, and I was excited for the marriage rites and the reception that would follow. But at that moment, mere seconds before the doors opened, I suddenly was overwhelmed by a sudden rush of emotions. I had absolutely no idea what I was so nervous about but I just was. In a few seconds the doors were going to open, and I will walk down the aisle to meet my parents and then be with Kelvin. I suddenly became nervous, happy, excited, and I don’t know what! To calm myself down, I just kept my head down, and focused on my breathing.

And then from under my lids, I felt and saw the church doors open, and I heard the first few lines of “She” by Elvis Costello. That was it. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and then looked up.

I didn’t see the flowers that Mama and I painstakingly selected. I didn’t see the floral arch that Mama specifically ordered. I didn’t see the white drapes on the aisle. I didn’t see the decors and styling of the church. Not that they weren’t there. Apparently they were; I just didn’t see them. I didn’t see them because I was overwhelmed by the smiles and love that I could see from everyone. Because those were the only things I could see. I saw our friends, our families, our relatives, our families’ friends, and all of our loved ones. Some were smiling, some were even jumping up and down, and some were wiping tears from their eyes. I caught a glimpse of Kelvin at the altar and I just couldn’t resist it, I took one hand off my bouquet and gave him a quick wave before walking to my parents.

Halfway to the altar were my parents, I saw Mama with her back turned to me, wiping the tears from her eyes. I saw Daddy standing there, with a big smile on his face, and his eyes slightly glistening. As I came near them, Mama turned to face me (she looked soo beautiful!) and they both came near me and put my veil over my head. Once my veil is set, my parents then walked me to the altar to give me away.

A few feet from the altar, I saw Kelvin again and he had this big excited smile on his face. I give him a quick wave again - that was all I could do. It took everything in me not to run into his arms and grab the priest to get things started. Oh well, even if I was allowed to, I don’t think my dress was ready for me to run in it anyway.

I finally reached Kelvin at the altar, where he received my parents’ blessings, and I did the same thing from his parents. And then Honey took my hand, and we took our seats. This was it, we were getting married!!! Finally!         

 Watch out for Part 3! Some snaps from the wedding ceremony!


Hit me up!

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