Friday, August 9, 2013

Katie Love Love :)

It's been a while since I have blogged; things at work have been pretty crazy lately. But things have settled down a little bit, and here I am, enjoying the long weekend. 

Before I head out to lunch with Kelvin I'd like to share with you a letter that brought tears to my eyes. As I said, things have been really crazy at work and the amount of sleep, tears, and meals that I have lost is slowly multiplying. 

But I digress. Back to the main topic!

Here is the letter that moved me:

Hi Leng-leng,

Before I leave, I would like to take the time and chance to let you know that your efforts are not in vain.

1.    You have moved mountains to get this project of yours going, and you are more than halfway there.
2.    You have covered double shifts and skilled non-trainers to handle an effective course that will not only benefit one account but the entire company. Not many can say that about someone.  
3.    You have cried many bitter (and perhaps even happy) tears for the troubles (and the triumphs). These tears of yours are a physical proof of your passion and drive not to fail anyone, including yourself because, if you do not already, you have high standards. So, know that you have not failed anyone. And you never will if you continue to have this passion and drive in your heart. :)  
4.    You are an inspiration. You inspire me to work harder and prove my worth. And I won’t be surprised if others are inspired by you, too.

Please take care of yourself and rest well. Reward yourself, too, when you can.

Fly, Philippine Pagerper, fly. Soar high. Charot! :)



Thank you, Katie.

The crybaby in me just won't stop bawling. 

This letter of yours reminded me why I do what I do. 

Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for taking the time to write this letter.

Words can't describe how much your letter has moved me. Thank you.




Next month pa tayo magkikita muli. Please take care of yourself. I am going to miss you a bunch. Magkukulang na ang chichamonsters.


Please do not forget your mission.

I love you.

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