Wednesday, June 5, 2013

A Love Story in the year 2008

Sometime in 2008...
Part I
It was a sunny morning; the young man started his day just like any other day. From his home in Paco, he took the public transportation to his office in Quezon City. He arrived at work at nine in the morning and went on with his daily tasks.
For months and months this was how the young man lived his day. In the late afternoon, he would leave the office and travel to Pasay to pick his girlfriend up and take her to work. Every evening at seven, the young man would pick his girlfriend up from her house, take her to dinner, and then drop her off at her office in Makati at ten.
You see, the young man worked during the day, and his girlfriend worked during the night. During the day, he would be working while the young woman was sleeping. Their schedules did not match so he made sure to make time for her everyday; even if he had to be in four cities every day.
So each day, this young man travelled from Paco to Quezon City, to Pasay, and then to Makati – just so he could spend time with the young woman. Every day presented the same schedule: arrive at work at nine, leave the office at six, pick the young woman up at seven, and then drop her off at work at ten.
But today was a different day; because the young man decided to surprise his girlfriend. His girlfriend was a hopeless romantic and he knew how much she loved surprises; so he decided to leave the office earlier than usual so that he could show up in her house unannounced and surprise her.
So, off the young man went; he got on the train and smiled all the way to Pasay while imagining the surprise on his girlfriend’s face when he shows up in her house.
At around six in the evening, the young man arrived on his girlfriend’s doorstep with a big, excited grin on his face. He knew that at six in the evening, the young woman was just about to wake up and prepare for work. And so he called for her to open the door and let him in. He called, and called, and called.
There was no answer. There was no one home.
Part II
It was a sunny morning; the young woman started this day just like any other day. From her office in Makati, she took the public transportation on her way to her home to Pasay. She arrived at her house at eight in the morning and went up to her bedroom to sleep.
For months and months, this was how the young woman lived her morning. In the late afternoon, she would wake up, prepare herself for work and wait for her boyfriend to pick her up and take her to work. Every evening at seven, her boyfriend would pick her up from her house, take her to dinner, and then drop her off at her office in Makati at ten.
You see, the young woman worked during the night, and her boyfriend worked during the day. Their relationship was a little complicated because they were not like other regular couples who would work during the day and go out at night. She would be working throughout the night, while the young man was sleeping. Their schedules did not match, and she loved that her boyfriend made sure to make time for her everyday; even if it meant he had to be in four cities every day.
So each day, this young woman would thank the heavens that a wonderful young man would travel from Paco to Quezon City, to Pasay, and then to Makati – just so he could spend time with her. And so, each day witnessed this schedule: get home and sleep at eight, wake up at six, meet her boyfriend at seven, and then work at ten.
But today was a different day; because the young woman decided to surprise her boyfriend. The young woman was a hopeless romantic and her boyfriend had a knack for surprising her all the time; so she decided to turn the tables by surprising him instead. She decided to wake up early so that she could surprise her boyfriend and show up in his office at six, which was the time when he would usually get off from work.
So, off the young woman went; she got on the train and smiled all the way to Quezon City while imagining the surprise on her boyfriend’s face when she shows up in his office.
At around six in the evening the young woman arrived at her boyfriend’s office building with a big, excited grin on her face. She knew that at six, the young man was just about to leave work. She waited, and waited, and waited.
For a few long minutes, she did not see the young man that she was waiting for.
And then her mobile phone rang.
Part III
The young woman looked down on her phone and realized that it was her boyfriend calling.
With a big smile, she pressed the ‘call’ button and answered, “Hello, baby!”
“Where are you?!” the young man bellowed from the other line.
“On the street, walking,” was the young woman’s cryptic reply. She was trying not to laugh and keep the mystery in her voice.
Now enraged, the young man shouted, “What?! I wanted to surprise you. I’m here at your house and you’re not here! You should be sleeping. Where are you?!”
After a stunned second, the young woman replied, “I’m at your office; I wanted to surprise you so I came here to pick you up!”
It took the couple a number of seconds to recover from their shock, and the young woman ended up laughing her heart out. Her body was shaking from her laughter and her heart was melting from pure love.

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