Monday, March 18, 2013

My BEAUTY Bucket List

I have been hooked on watching Youtube videos and the types of videos I have been watching are make-up tutorials.

I have lost count of the number of videos I have seen, but I have come to an awesome conclusion: I need new stuff for my beauty box!

Hence, I have listed a few things that I need, so that I can complete my look this 2013. 

Read on, folks!

1. Primer

Because my face can sometimes get too oily - which doesn't help with my make-up - I realized that I really need to use a primer before putting on my make-up. Primers are applied on the face after putting on moisturizer and BEFORE putting on any make-up. 
Here are some things that may convince you to start using one!
1. Primers help keep the oil at bay - this will keep our face shine free all day!2. Primers fill out those tiny lines on the face - which makes one's face look really smooth3. They help keep your make up stay longer on your face - no need to powder our noses every hour!

2. Eye Shadow

It has always been difficult for me to apply eye shadow as I have absolutely no idea how to do so! So how will I motivate myself to learn the art of eye shadow-application? By buying an eye shadow palette, of course! Teehee! I am fascinated by eyes that sparkle and pop with the help of eye shadow art. 

3. Bronzer for Contouring
photo credit:

God has blessed me with nice cheekbones but it wouldn't hurt if I enhance and define them with the help of a contouring trick. Last year I attended a make-up class with my good friend Joyce De Vera, and I was appalled when the instructor taught us how to apply blush. The instructor told us to apply the blush on the sides of our cheeks, from the ears down to the sides. She specifically told us not to apply blush on the apples of the cheeks. Lo and behold! She was teaching us some contouring tricks!

So, dear instructor, one SHOULD apply blush to the apples of the cheeks. It is the the bronzer that should be applied to the sides and under the cheekbones. 

Anyhoo, I added a bronzer to to my beauty bucket list because I want to make sure that my face looks chiseled and defined specially when there are special events that require my presence (NOT).

4. Nude Lipstick
photo credit:

Because of all the hype about the smoky eye trick and my desire to practice my eye shadow application skills - which are nill, it dawned on me that I need a nude lippie. I love red and I have about five tubes of red lipstick in different shades (RED red, harlot red, dark red, bright red, you name it!). But I do not have a single nude, or even peach lipstick. A nude lipstick will help me balance out the smoky eye effect and will give me a no make up look during the day.

5. Cream/Liquid Concealer

Due to my busy professional and personal schedule, I don't get enough zzz's. And we all know what happens when one doesn't not get enough beauty rest: The resurfacing of a woman's worst beauty nightmare. Eyebags and zits. So for cases like these, we all need a help from a magic wand. Well, a concealer's magic wand, that is. 

Remember to "Swish and flick!" And voila! The blemishes disappear and you are left with a smooth and even skin. I have tried a stick concealer and I don't fancy it too much as it is difficult to apply and blend; so I have decided to look for a liquid or cream concealer with great coverage. Any suggestions?

6. Loose Powder Finish


I absolutely adore liquid foundation because it gives great and even coverage and it's a lot easier to apply than cream or cake foundation. One of things that I need to watch out for though is the shiny look it gives after its application. And for that we need the help of loose powder! I am currently using Mac Loose Powder and it does an awesome job of giving my face a clean, smooth looking finish. I have decided though, that I need a compact powder to make my make up last even longer. So, I am in the market, looking for a compact powder. I'm still quite partial to Mac but I'm taking in suggestions. Anyone?

7. Really Shiny Lip Gloss


And finally, can someone please, please, pleeeaaase find me a lip gloss that is really, really glossy? I have been on the hunt for a sheer lip gloss that gives a lot of shine it makes one's lips sparkle! Remember, regardless of the color of your lipstick, you will never go wrong with a shiny lip gloss. Swipe it on your lips for an instant glow!

So, here is my beauty bucket list. Please feel free to write down in the comments section if you have any suggestion. Mac is still my current favorite but I use any brand that works for me.

Any suggestions?

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