Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Rehearsal

Hey, folks!

I haven't posted in weeks, and that is because I have been quite busy with work and with the wedding preparations. If you'd like to read more about the wedding preparations, you may go and check out our wedding blog.

Speaking of weddings, I was invited to Ate Kat and Larsen's wedding! *cue jumping up and down*

Ate Kat is my sister's best friend, and they have been best friends for more than ten years! I soo love her. 

One of a girl's great dream - apart from finding The One, that is - is to find another being who will live the rest of her life calling herself your bestest best friend. And I am just enormously ecstatic that Ate Ye had found Ate Kat.

Ate Kat loves my sister so much and they treat each other like they were blood sisters. I rarely meet real, genuine people and I am happy that my sister found herself a true best friend in Ate Kat. 

After college, Ate Kat moved to Australia; and even if my sister was happy for her, Ate Kat's leaving left a dent in Ate's heart. But nonetheless, distance didn't prove to be a problem for the best friends. Ate Kat found her success in Australia, and Ate found hers in the Middle East. 

Along with success in Australia, Ate Kat also found love. Seven years ago, she met a strapping young man at a party. Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago, she and Larsen finally said their "I Do's" on the 7th of February.

The night before the wedding on February 6th, Ate and I met with Ate Kat and the rest of her entourage at Fairmont Hotel for their wedding rehearsal. Here is the bride on her last night of singlehood - with her BFF, of course:

And look at our gorgeous rings!

The mother and daughter of rings, these are!

From the hotel, the party then went to Don Bosco Parish Church to rehearse for the bridal march.

Here is the gang waiting for instructions from Jojo, the wedding coordinator.

The groom:

The bridesmaid:

And finally, the bride:

Here are some candid shots taken during the rehearsal:

Lastly, here are some other shots taken in the hotel. Don't you just love these two?!


And it gets even better!

Their wedding was soo sweet and romantic I just love it!

Please watch out for my next blog as I write about Ate Kat and Larsen's fabulous and sweet wedding.


Hit me up!
Wedding Blog:
My life's blog: