Saturday, July 27, 2013

A weird encounter, that was.

Last night, Kelvin and I went to watch The Wolverine.

As we were standing in line, I asked Honey to go to the ticket counter and check the next screening time.

A few seconds after Hon left, a group of young men came up to me and this guy in the middle started asking questions.

"Hi, manonood ka ba ng sine?" was his warm greeting. Hi, are you going to watch a movie?

I wanted to say "Nah, I'm just here to stand and think about elephants!" but since he asked very nicely, I simply said, "Yes." I was starting to get confused at that point.

His next question was, "What are you planning to watch?"

"The Wolverine" was my puzzled answer. I didn't know where this was going.

The young man was holding something in his hand, he held it up and said, "We have extra tickets e. Hindi dumating yung mga ibang kasama namin, so bigay ko na lang..." We have extra tickets, some of our friends didn't show up so I'm just gonna give...

As the guy was talking, I breathed a sigh of relief because I saw Hon causally strutting back to me, looking at the young men with a small cryptic smile. As he came closer, all I could say was, "Oh, Hon..."

When Hon was finally standing beside me, I looked back at the young man and asked again, "What was that again? You have extra tickets?"

One of the young men saw Kelvin and his eyes widened. The young man, who was talking to me started backing up and hurriedly said, "Oh, uh, yeah, some our friends didn't show up and we have extra tickets. Sayang naman e, so you can have these."

He then gave us the two tickets. Dumbfounded, I stood there; confused as to what was going on. I looked at Kelvin for an answer. He simply shrugged and said, "Okay."

After a second, my brain kicked in and I started to take out my purse to pay them. I realized they were selling the tickets to us. Upon seeing me taking my purse out, the young men started hurriedly walking away and said, "No, you don't have to pay us. Those are yours now. Bye!"

And we were left standing there, with two tickets to The Wolverine.

As we walked towards the cinema, I was raving to Honey as to how nice the young men were to give us their tickets for free. They were so sweet and nice!

Kelvin, the entire time, was just walking beside me, smiling and shaking his head. He had still had that small, mysterious smile on his face.

I stopped and asked, “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”

And he said, “Hon, that was a set-up. That guy was hitting on you, and the rest of the guys with him were his wingmen.”

Surprised, I answered him back. “No, they were just being nice! Sayang nga naman ang ticket. Stop thinking like that about other people!”

He laughed again and said, “Trust me, I’ve participated in the same strategy before. They thought you were alone and that was his way of asking you out.”

Now I don’t really know their reason behind giving us the tickets but I couldn't bear to use the tickets without giving the young men something in return. To appease my conscience, I went and bought the young men bags of chips.

So there we were, Hon, me, and the young men in the cinema, enjoying the adventures of The Wolverine.

Monday, July 15, 2013

There's Something I Have to Tell You, Mama...

Hi, Mama.

I'd like to share something with you...

I thank God everyday.
I thank God every week.
I thank God every month.
And I thank God every year.

I thank God for your everyday text.
I thank God for your everyday greeting.
I thank God that you wait for me to get home everyday.

I thank God for your cooking.

I thank God for your hugs.
I thank God for your kisses.

I thank God that you cook my favorite food.
I thank God that you wash my clothes.

I thank God that you let me sleep late.
I thank God that you make me Milo.

I thank God for the sunny-side up eggs.
I thank God for your adobo.

I thank God that you still call me "Baby".
I thank God that He gave you to us.
I thank God that you are my mother.
I thank God that you are my best friend.

I thank God because you are my inspiration.

You taught me humility
You taught me love.
You taught me how to serve.
You taught me how to sacrifice.

You taught me how to be street-wise.
You taught me how to deal with people.
You taught me the value of patience.

You say I'm beautiful.
You say I'm smart.
You say I'm generous.
You say I'm loving.
You say I'm understanding.
You say I'm sweet.
You say I'm kind.
You say I'm funny.

Well guess what, Mama...

I am just a mirror...
Look at me and you are looking at you.
I am me because I am YOU.

You are beautiful.
You are  smart.
You are  generous.
You are  loving.
You are  understanding.
You are  sweet.
You are  kind.
You are  funny.

You are YOU.

Happy birthday, Mama.

I love you.

Friday, July 5, 2013

When Vanity Strikes -- New Make-Up!

I’m going to put it out there: I am not a beauty blogger (I'm not even a writer!); and I do not claim to be an authority when it comes to beauty or make-up.
I do like make-up, though. :)
As I have written in one of my blogs, I had enrolled in a make-up class last year through CashCashPinoy. In the class, my good friend Joyce and I learned the basics of applying make-up. Since then, I have been practicing and watching different video tutorials on YouTube.
I still suck at applying eyeshadow (LOL) but I’m quite good at drawing my eyebrows on! I’ve gotten a lot of compliments from friends and colleagues, with one even asking if my eyebrows were tattooed on! :) And just to clear things up, NO, they are not.
Last week, I got my new make-up paraphernalia and I used them for the first time yesterday. Let me share to you the pieces that I used. I’m not big on brands, so I’ll use anything as long as I get good results and I don’t break out.

Here are the products that I used:

1. Foundation: MAC Cream Foundation (1,400PHP)
I chose the sheer undertone because I didn’t want to look too made up. Like a lot of ladies would say, you could never go wrong with MAC.

2. (NEW)Foundation Powder: AVON Smooth Minerals Foundation (M108 Light Ochre, 469PHP)

Shake, swirl, and blend. Voila! The container is small and lightweight (6g) it doesn’t take up much space in my bag. It’s so easy to put on it just takes me seconds!
3. Eyebrows: Ever Bilena Matte Eyeshadow Duo (125PHP)

With the help of a couple of eyebrow brushes, I was able to create a pair of nicely shaped eyebrows.
If you'd like to follow my footsteps, here are the things that you will need: Angled Brow Brush and Eyebrow Brush

And now you're ready! How was I able to end up with these sharply defined eyebrows? Look at the pictures below!
First things first, you need to know where to start and where to end. You may use the image below as your guide in finding out where your REAL eyebrows should start, arch and end:

And now you're ready!


 4. (NEW)Mascarra: AVON Super Schock Max (600PHP)

I have been using Maybelline Mascarra for the longest time and this was the first time that I used AVON's Super Shock Max Mascarra. I must say I was not disappointed! I love the fine bristles of the brush that kept my lashes from clumping together, giving my lashes a fuller and thicker effect. Even my lower lashes are screaming bloody HELLO!

5. (NEW) Blush: Maybelline Light Rose Blush (a gift from my trainee); thanks, Net!)

I just love my new soft pink blush! The blush gave my cheeks a natural looking flush; and it also has a shimmer effect that gave my cheeks a dewy glow. Spell SUNKISSED!

6. Lips: Maybelline New York [Lip] Smooth Color and Care (Cherry 95PHP)

And here is my go-to lip gloss! IfI don't have time to put make-up on, I just make sure to swipe this magic tube to give my lips an instant tint and gloss. For yesterday's look, I was gunning for a no-make-up look, that's why I used a lip gloss and not my usual light pink lipstick.

Here's a before and after:

Iba talaga nagagawa ng make-up at lighting no?

What about you? Do you have any recent beauty finds?