Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Xin Wang Experience

I am officially a Xin Wang Hong Kong Cafe fan.

I love Chinese food and am a sucker for noodles and soup. I first had my Xin Wang experience a few months ago and had a taste of their Seafood Noodle Soup. Ever since that day, I am hooked on Xin Wang.

Prepare for uncontrollable drooling tendencies, dear readers!

Here is Xin Wang, located at the back of the mall, right beside IMAX:

Once inside, one is greeted by the courteous staff, who will immediately seat you at the couch. Here are some shots of the interior of the cafe:

Nice, isn't it?

Here is the menu:

Glorious, isn't it?

Now, on to the food, mi amigos!

Luncheon Meat 'N Mushroom Cream Sauce Spaghetti for P215

We were treated to a delicious serving of creamy spaghetti with generous strips of luncheon meat and different kinds of mushroom.The pasta was perfect, and the cream sauce was just plain delectable. I will definitely order one of these again!

Seafood Egg Hor Fun for P230

The seafood lover in me just couldn't resist this mouth-watering platter of seafood goodness! At two-hundred thirty pesos, the dish boasts of a mix of shrimp, squid, fish, and another type of seafood that my hungry mind couldn't identify. I was not very happy with the noodles, though. It was a little too soggy and bland for my taste. But overall, I was quite happy with the dish.

Pork Chop 'N Egg Papaya Soup Bee Hon for P220

Want a slice of pork chop in a big (and I mean BIG) bowl of bee hon soup? Then this one will definitely fit the bill. At two hundred twenty pesos, the soup is just heavenly filled to he brim with bee hon and a big slice of pork chop right in the middle. Top it off with hard boiled egg and bits of REAL papaya, one is in for a big surprise. My pork chop was a little hard though, I wish they could have cut it into little bite size pieces. But the soup totally compensated for the meat!

Noodles Macau Style for P195

Here is a dry noodle dish fit for luncheon meat lovers! For 195 pesos a plate, experience the goodness of dry noodles topped with bits of corn, carrots, egg, and peas! Yum!

Now on the the beverages!

Mango Ice blended for P70

Iced Milk Tea Float for P95

A favorite of mine! Iced Milk Tea in an aluminum glass (gives new meaning to cold drinks!) topped with vanilla ice cream!

And the best but definitely not the least, the Xin Wang Special Mango Snow Ice!

Xin Wang Special Mango Snow Ice for P135

A bowl of ice goodness! A volcano of ice goodness! Here is an ice volcano with mango ice cream on top; and on the side you will see bits of real mango, mango syrup and mango jelly, and on the bottom: milky goodness! This is, by far, my favorite summer dessert! Mmm mmm mmm!

I have vowed to myself that I will keep going to Xin Wang until I have tasted everything on their menu! And I mean all 250 dishes on the menu! :)

Go check out Xin Wang Hong Kong Cafe at the Mall of Asia!

Click here for the Xin Wang Facebook Page!
Contact Number:  8227518

What about you? Have you found a new go-to restaurant?

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

[An Old Post] Tito Poly

Hello, friends. I came across an old Facebook note that I wrote in 2010. This was a few months after our family lost a dear uncle. Read on, friends.

Tito Poly, you are still missed.

From left: Lau, Tita Gi, Lola Mila, Mama, Ate Ye, Daddy, Ate Kaye, Ate Merz, and Tito Poly

December 14, 2010:

"More than thirty years ago, before my aunt reached her twentieth year, she married a quiet but impressive soldier. This man became a loving husband to my aunt, a firm but loving father to my cousins, the trusted son that my grandmother had always wanted, and a brother/father to my mother and her sisters.

 Two years ago, Tito suddenly fell ill. We were stunned and saddened to find out that Tito was suffering from a heart condition - a condition that was made worse by his congenital heart disease that was not detected until recently. His condition rapidly deteriorated until that fateful day in July 2010. His wife found him unconscious on their bed and she immediately called the hospital. He was then admitted into the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) where he fell into a coma and could not talk nor respond. No one could get to him; he couldn't talk to us, and we didn't even know if he heard us at all. Everyone was at a loss. We waited for days; we were allowed to visit him only twice a day, an hour each time. Every time we visited him, we had to wear surgical shoes and gowns. We talked to him as often as we could; as often as the nurses and doctors would allow us. We told him how much we loved him, and that we missed him.

 But we finally had to let him go. The entire family was enveloped in grief. All of us had questions running through our minds. Numerous questions but answers proved to be elusive. How could someone so strong, so brave, so dependable, so invincible succumb to an illness?

 I have always seen him as a strong, silent man. Just like my own father, he was a man of few words; but when he spoke, everyone listened. But now that's he's gone, how will our family move on? He was not just a husband to his wife or just a father to his kids. He was a son to my grandmother whom he gladly took under his wing. He was a brother and a father to my mother and her sisters who lost their father when they were young.

How do you say goodbye to a husband who stood by you for more than three decades? How do you say goodbye to a father who was quiet but always ready to listen, support, teach and help you? How do you say goodbye to the man who became the brother you never had?

Until this day, those questions still have not been answered. It has been five months since that traumatic day and everyone is still trying to move on; like little babies trying to walk without the help of guiding hands...Sometimes I find myself looking for him whenever I visit their place. And after a few seconds, I silently remind myself that he is gone. I could just imagine how hard it must be for his children. And I can only pray that Tito is now with Him, smiling down upon us. He is now in a better place; a place without needles, without pain, without tears. But we still can't help but think about him.

We miss you, Tito.

Tito, Lola is sick and is in the ICU. The nurses won't let us in and she is really scared. Will you watch over her? Tell her we are all outside waiting for her..." 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

What I want to do NOW...

When the month of May rolled in, I promised myself that every night before bed, I will watch a film which I have never seen before.

Last night’s featured movie was A Little Bit of Heaven; a movie about a woman named Marley Corbett (played by Kate Hudson), who was diagnosed with terminal colon cancer. The news was broken to her by a serious Dr. Julian Goldstein (played by Gael Garcia Bernal), who eventually fell in love with her humor and resolve. In the midst of pain and suffering, Marley found a way to embrace love, reconcile with her parents, and leave her good friends with fond memories.

Granted, the movie wasn’t a tear-jerker, it wasn’t that impressive, even.

But the movie made me realize ONE thing: The best time to let people know you care is NOW.

So this week, I want to…

·         Give Mama and Daddy a kiss and thank them for their love. They are the best gifts a child can ever receive
·         Tell Kuya that even though we don’t see eye to eye most times, I love him and that I only want the best for him
·         Tell Ate that I admire her strength and that I thank her for being her; and that she is the best sister in the world
·         Tell Prince that I love him and that I wish for him to grow up t be a good, honest and smart man
·         Tell Kelvin that I love him with all my heart and that God couldn’t have given me anyone better
·         Tell Sesha that I admire her faith, resilience and strength
·         Tell Razel that I love her and I pray for Reese’s future; and that I will always be here for her
·         Tell Isha that I wish her peace of mind and the love that she deserves
·         Tell DeeJay that I wish life had treated him better and that he will always be in my thoughts
·         Tell Lola Mila that I love her and that I thank her for all the times she worried about me. I guess that what Lola’s are for. J
·         Tell my Titas and Titos that I will always be grateful for their listening ears and ready advice
·         Tell my cousins that I am honored to be called their cousin. They helped me become what I am
·         Tell my brothers, sisters, and friends that they are the amazing icing on my life’s crazy, crazy cake, and that every single moment I have spent with them is a precious moment that I will forever cherish.
·         Tell those I have offended that I am sorry and that they can hit me in the head the next time they see me (gently, please)
·         Thank all the people that I have worked with; every moment spent with them was equal to a pound of learning
·         Thank all my trainees for the laughter, learning, and inspiration
·         Tell those who I have inspired to pay it forward
·         Tell God that I am the luckiest person in the world; and that I thank Him for everything He has done and given to me and for me.

What about you? What can you do NOW?

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Getting Ready for Legazpi

I am so excited for my first out-of-town-without-the-family trip for this year. What makes this trip even more exciting is that I will be travelling with our awesome TA buddies! :)

To make sure that Kelvin, our friends and I will have the time of our lives, I have prepared a list of things, places, and activities that I'd like our group to experience.

Travel buddies, read on!


1. Mt. Mayon (but of course!) and Casagwa Ruins

Mayon Volcano is renowned as the “perfect cone” because of its almost symmetric conical shape. The Casagwa Ruins are the remnants of an 18th century Franciscan church, the Cagsawa church, built in 1724 .

2. Mayon Resthouse Observatory 

A nature park where one can enjoy different recreational activities in the hearts of the Mayon Planetarium and Science Park, picnic areas, wall climbing facilities, and zip lines.

3. St. Raphael Parish Church

One of the unique attractions of the present St. Raphael Church is its altar table made of a single block of solid hardened lava. 
(photocredit: wowlegazpi.com)

4. Albay Pilinut Showroom

Established in 1936, Albay Pilinut Candy is the first pili nut candy factory in Bicol
(photocredit: article.wn.com)

5. Albay Park and Wildlife

A picnic grove and park which houses 347 animals belonging to 75 species.

 6. The Embarcadero de Legazpi

Bicol’s premier waterfront lifestyle and commercial hub which offers exciting different attractions such as go karting, zipline, jetski, dinning, shopping, and many more!
photocredit: www.wowlegazpi.com

 7. The Japanese Tunnel

A 40-meter lomh L-shaped and seven-feet deep tunnel used by the Japanese forces as an arsenal during the 2nd World War.

8. Kapuntukan Hill (Sleeping Lion Hill)

photocredit: www.wowlegazpi.com

Because of its shape, it is also fondly and more popularly called by Legazpeños as the Sleeping Lion Hill, with the higher peak resembling a lion’s hunched shoulders and mane and the lower peak, its rump.

9. Ligñon Hill Nature Park

photocredit:  byaherosnapshots.com

A popular destination where one can enjoy activities such as hiking, biking, rappelling, paintball, airsoft, shopping, sightseeing, and dinning.


  1.  Whaleshark (Butanding) Watching
  2.  ATV on foothills of Mayon Volcano
  3. Extreme Mountain Biking in Albay
  4. Skimboarding in Legazpi’s Black Sand Beaches
  5. Hiking
  6. Biking
  7. Rappelling
  8. Paintball
  9. Wallclimbing
  10. Ziplining
What else do you recommend?